Walk to Work Day

Walk to Work Day - NRG Gym Health Advice

This week it’s Walk To Work Day (on April 6th) when people around the world are encouraged to ditch the car or the bus and train journey to set out to their work places by striding out in style. We’ll extend that to social events and getting to the gym.

Or of course you can walk at the gym on one of our treadmills. Walking is a vastly underrated exercise.

And walking is something we all used to do a lot more of in past days. Health experts recommend we should aim for 10,000 walking steps a day – around five miles – to stay fit. Yet most of us only take about 4,500 steps a day.

So, here are some good reasons to step out this week (ideally for 30 minutes at a time):

  • It will strengthen your leg muscles and bones.
  • It gets your heart pumping, so strengthens your heart and improves circulation. It also lowers blood pressure.
  • You’ll burn calories and firm up your tummy.
  • It will relax you, especially if you walk among nature or while listening to chilled-out music.
  • When walking, you breathe in more oxygen – so It increases lung capacity.
  • Walking after meals is especially beneficial as it helps aids your digestive system.

Our two gyms are open 24 hours a day, every day. So walk this way at any time!