Walk to Work Day

Benefits of Walking Everyday - NRG Gym Health Advice

Forget about the car, bus or train when it’s Walk To Work Day on April 5th. Walking is an underrated activity, and one that we do much less today than previous generations. Time to step out in style and put that right!

Walking can help to burn calories, clear the mind and get your heart pumping. Walking to work can also influence you to eat healthier during the day as you’ll have started the day in a fit way. Walking after meals too is particularly good for health because it aids your digestion.

Start walking now and it could lead to a new-found enthusiasm for striding out that never goes away. Not only that, but this annual event encourages us to be mindful of our carbon footprint.

Health experts suggest we should take 10,000 steps a day, about five miles. The majority of us only do less than half of that… Of course if the weather looks poor or you just fancy it instead, you can always walk at the gym on one of our treadmills.

So, here are some good reasons to walk this week, and beyond:

  • Walking gets your heart pumping, which improves circulation and lowers blood pressure.
  • Walking is beneficial for your lungs as it means you breathe better and so increase lung capacity.
  • Calories get burned off: you’ll lose weight and tighten up your thighs, calf muscles, tummy and bum.
  • It will strengthen leg and hip bones.
  • It’s relaxing: great for the mind, body and soul.
  • So we very much hope to see you walking through our doors soon!