National Walking Month

Tip to Get Yourself Walking More - NRG Gym Health Advice

In the merry month of May… it’s National Walking Month. It was set up to encourage people to walk more throughout the entire month.

Just a generation ago, 70 per cent of us walked to school. Now it’s under 50 per cent.

Yet walking as a health benefit is vastly underrated – it’s simple and one of the easiest ways to lose weight, be active and get fitter. It’s also a great way of relaxing.

A more swift walking pace builds stamina, improves circulation, reduces bad cholesterol, burns excess calories, strengthens the heart and prevents cardiovascular diseases. In fact, walking at least 30 minutes a day reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke by nearly 30 per cent.

Even a brisk 10-minute walk every day has health benefits. Plus it counts towards the recommended 150 minutes of exercise every week.

So then, here are some ideas for “walking the walk”:

  • Walk to work or college (or get off a few stops earlier to walk the rest of the way).
  • Organise a lunchtime or after-work walk.
  • Walk to the shops rather than taking the car.
  • Use the stairs instead of the lift.
  • Meet up for a regular walk with a friend or as part of a walking group.
  • Try to have a walk after eating lunch and dinner.
  • Go for a relaxing walk in the park or countryside in the evening or at weekends.

Then remember to walk this way for a session at the gym! (Or use our free car park and come for a walk on the treadmill!)