Go Sober for October

Go Sober for October is a fundraising campaign aimed at challenging social drinkers to change their habits for a month and make some healthy lifestyle changes. So why not spend October being a Soberhero and go 31 days without alcohol? Say no to the booze and yes to raising money for people living with cancer: the Macmillan charity will be with you every step of the way to help you along your sober journey.

By signing up to the challenge you’re doing something amazing for people with cancer. All the money raised by those Going Sober this October will help Macmillan support even more people facing cancer.

You’ll also feel the benefits of not drinking:

  • You’ll have more time on your hands – which means more time for family, friends as well as your health and fitness.
  • You’ll have a better sleeping pattern and a much better sleep, so wake up with a spring in your step and increased energy levels – and no sign of a terrible hangover…
  • By going booze-free, you’ll save money.
  • You’ll be much healthier with a clearer head, clearer skin and your insides such as your liver and heart will be grateful to you too.

You can find out more and sign up here: https://www.macmillan.org.uk/in-your-area/local-dashboard/detail/Fundraising%20events/515/Go-Sober?proximity=Nationwide