COVID-19 UPDATE – 04/11/2020
To All NRG Members
After the government’s announcement to enter a new national lockdown we wanted to provide an update on your membership and explain what happens next as we plan to temporarily close our gyms from 8pm on Weds 4th November.
Please note that from Thursday 5th November that your membership will be automatically frozen with a guarantee that no further payments will be taken until the gyms re-open with the current re-opening scheduled for 2nd December.
As your membership will be automatically frozen and all future payments postponed until we are open again, it is really important to us that you do not cancel your membership. Retaining your membership ensures your gym can plan with confidence to re-open as soon as we are given the green light to do so, and we hope this will be on Weds 2nd December.
As the anticipated re-opening date is 28 days after closure, our current plan is that your payments will roll over by a month and simply recommence on the same day of the month as before the lockdown. We believe this makes it easier for all our members to plan when their direct debits are due. It also means you will get two free days access to the gym on us!
If the government advice on the dates to re-open gyms changes, we will be in contact again to update you of our plans, but in the meantime please keep up to date with our latest news via the website and our social media channels.
Until we close on Wednesday evening, please do continue to use the gym in the safe and responsible manner that you have been.
We will be back soon and we will keep you updated on our plans.
Thank you again for your loyalty and support and please continue to stay safe and healthy.
See you all when we re-open!
Everyone at Team NRG